The eighth annual Open Season show, hosted by Kaleb Hunkele at Ithaca Print Commons, October 11 2024
Ithaca Print Commons was a functioning riso-print shop where people could come take classes and learn the craft. It offered residencies to artists along with putting on shows each month, and selling a variety of printed goods.
Myself and 20 other artists showed work surrounding the upstate, autumnal theme. The show also functioned as a silent auction, with each work tagged with a bidding list.
Other artists: Phoebe Aceto, Phil Ashworth, Audrey Bialke, Adam Bryant, Kate A. Casler, Arlo Chapple Berletic, Cody Curran, Ash Ferlito, Geena Fratto, Sam Fratto, Ira Garrison, Sophie Herrmann, Kaleb Hunkele, Anna Ialeggio, Kristina Paabus, Meri Page, Laura Rowley, Nick Scollard, Clayton Skidmore, Jake Van Langeveld